Thursday, 9 June 2011

Great ideas I got from Guy Kawasaki's Enchantment

Guy Kawasaki is an egotistical jerk.

That was my first impression. I was at Gnomedex a few years back. He stood up in front of the audience and said, “I’ve got lots of stuff I can talk about.” Then he presented three possibilities and let us choose. Are you kidding me? He didn’t even prepare?! The nerve.

Then he started speaking.

I got more out of his short talk than every other presentation that day. And some of those were great, too. While he talked, I frantically scribbled a few dozen ideas he spawned.

His latest book, Enchantment: The Art of Changing Hearts, Minds, and Actions (affiliate link), did the same thing for me. So instead of spamming you about how wonderful the book is, I’m going to list the ideas I got from the book. Then you decide if you want it.


  1. Create a ‘yes’ page instead of an FAQ. Put the answer to the questions at the top: Yes. Then put the questions below it, on the page.
  2. Push our message around trust even harder. Don’t work with clients who can’t trust us. Focus on clients who do, and can turn that into results for themselves.
  3. Always express disagreement by first finding something to agree in.
  4. Conduct a ‘premortem’ on every project: Get the team together. Pretend the project failed. Then talk it out.
  5. Try to develop crow’s feet (you have to read the book to understand).
  6. Reinforce my employees’ autonomy whenever possible.
  7. Prototype everything.
  8. Become a better curator of content. Start on Twitter and expand from there.
  9. Build our marketing on total transparency: Tell people exactly what we’ll do when they sign up for a newsletter. Then deliver just that.

I admit, there are more than that. Some are humdingers. But I won’t give everything away, for once.

Ego, well earned

If Kawasaki does have a big ego, he’s earned it.

You should read this book. If you’re running your own company, you must read this book.

Other stuff


online marketing seo Conversation Marketing Internet Marketing Strategy

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